Monday, November 2, 2009

Love Revolution

The Love Revolution is here. Daily we see destruction taking place in people’s lives around us - crime is on an increase, emotional heartache is a reality and people don’t know where to turn. A drastic change in the thinking and behaviour needs to take place and acts of love is what is going to bring the change. We’ve heard the song by the Black Eyed Peas “Where is the love” and the answer is that starts with people. The Love Revolution is about the power of love in action, the physical touch of God through people is what can make the difference. It starts within ourselves to change our mindsets and attitudes, to improve the situations of others through kindness.

Love can be costly but it can be the beginning of the greatest change in another person’s life. The Love Revolution is about doing good for someone else through love whether is be it an act of kindness or a word of encouragement, it’s about doing something out of love for someone you know and even those you don’t. God’s love for us is indescribable and uncontainable, we can only imagine what His love can do through us to change the lives of others if we just acted in His love.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

When I grow up

The process of life is an interesting thing. In my mind I had everything sorted but it all seems to have become more confusing and complicated as the years have gone on. I was going to be a ballerina, a designer and now after four years of studying I am a PR practitioner. I’ve learnt a lot during my many years of being a student and it’s funny to think that I’ve been learning since I was born. At the age of 22 there is so much more in store for me and growing up is just the next step in my life’s process.

When I grow up I want to be successful, have a family, enjoy life and be able to take care of myself. I want to be able to tell the stories of my life, my experiences, where I’ve been, what I’ve done, who I saw. My student life seems to have come to an end but I’m not so sure that I want to grow up just yet. When I grow up is in the future, its not here now and that’s what I want to believe. When a person grows up they have to consider so much more things and can’t just be. Their decisions have to be responsible, their life revolves around working - is that what my life will be like when I grow up.

I’m not ready to grow up, I don’t want to grow up but the truth is I have no choice in the matter and I just have to grow up. It’s no longer when I grow up but now I am grown up. Each day I face the new things that grown up life brings and I know there is a lot that lies ahead of me as a grown up.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Conventional is a good fallback position

People say that if we fall down or something goes wrong it’s the come back that makes the lasting impression. Being conventional can be like taking the easy street, the one that goes unnoticed and people tend not to talk about. A conventional position is a safety zone, the comfortable place where things that are seen as normal are accepted because everyone has a common perspective on the issue. The predictable can result in people being satisfied but going beyond their expectations is what will blow them away and keep them coming back for me the catch is that when things go wrong, doing it the conventional way is the good fallback position as there is time for your big comeback.

Doing the conventional thing is a secure way of knowing that things will work out in the end. You know what to expect and what the results of that decision will be because it is the usual way of doing things. At times people are afraid to be adventurous, doing what’s typical just makes them fit in with the crowd and that’s good enough. There is always a possibility that things won’t be accepted or something could go wrong and shifting into the conventional position is the best fallback option. We must just not forget to comeback in an unconventional way.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

What I‘ve learnt so far:

  • Decisions are the hardest thing to make
  • You are the one that holds yourself back from moving forward
  • Nothing comes easy
  • Love is something you have to work at everyday
  • There is always place for compromise
  • Experience is what makes the difference
  • Sometimes you need to take time out to do absolutely nothing
  • If you don’t do it now, you never will
  • Friends come and go
  • There is a new challenge around every corner
  • Public transport is not for the faint hearted
  • You need to use your time wisely
  • Going Green is the way of life
  • There is so much more in the world out there
  • Life online is a whole new playground
  • There is no wrong answer
  • If something appears difficult, once you’ve done it you’ll see it wasn’t that bad in the first place
  • The goals you set out for yourself will be met with hard work
  • Laughter really is good medicine
  • You can’t hide from the future
  • You can live on no money
  • Books have lots of information; we just have to open it
  • We have to grow up at some point
  • We think we have the hardest lives but there are those who are in worse situations
  • Memories are never lost
  • There is so much more learning to do….

One idea

“Nothing is more dangerous than an idea, when you only have one idea” (Alain).

An idea evolves when we think about a particular aspect, thoughts develop into an idea that when put to action can be the answer to the situation we are facing. I think there are different types of ideas: average ideas, ineffective ideas, out of the box ideas etc., it depends on the person and the situation. There are two sides to the statement made by Alain, firstly it could be dangerous to have one idea because if something goes wrong there is no back up plan. The other side to the coin is that your one idea can be so brilliant that it leaves dangerous effects because it makes such an impact. I like to think of ideas in this way.

People limit themselves in the way they think but there comes a point where we have to do things out of the norm, go above people’s expectations and dream ideas that we may see as impossible. We are taught ways to do things but we were never intended to be average so why have we stopped having dangerous out of the box ideas that gets people talking.

One idea can birth a series of new ideas that could change the inevitable by doing it in a manner that has never been seen before. Many of us have ideas but when we think them through we discard them because we believe we are not able to make them happen or we are afraid people won’t accept the idea. What we forget is that its our own idea, that no other person has thought of it and it may just be that dangerous one that changes everything. You may have just one idea, but even one can make a world of a difference.

Monday, October 12, 2009

World famous

Andy Warhol said, “In the future everybody will be world famous for fifteen minutes” – You can’t choose the 15 minutes but why would you be world famous.

We live in a global village where everyone in some way knows another person’s business. Our online profiles tells people more about ourselves and by uploading photographs we show everyone what we up to. Reality shows seems to have the world’s attention and even the ordinary person can get involved and attain their fifteen mintues of fame.We can be world famous and fifteen minutes of fame is worth it.

Becoming an everyday celebrity seems to be the “in” thing. Being noticed for doing something normal or out of the ordinary is all about getting people to talk about it, we all want that moment of fame. Every person has a special talent or unique skill that makes them different from everyone else in the world so technically we all can be world famous for different reasons.

We say we want our privacy but inside we want to get attention. Be noticed for who we are, see our name in lights with screaming fans running after us. I would say that its not in the future that we will be famous but rather that in the present we can be famous. Our opinions matter, what we do involves more people than just ourselves. Being world famous can happen at any moment so live life out of the ordinary and claim your fifteen minutes of fame.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Plugged in

I used to think that being plugged in was only for electronic equipment. Today we live in the “plugged in” generation. Every where you turn someone is plugged into something. Whether it be listen to your ipod, social networking on your mobile, instant messaging or using your gps to find the place you looking for.

We’ve reached the point where if we are not plugged in, we are left behind and unaware of the new things around us. We want to do things globally because that’s what it means to be plugged into society. We learn new things and we share information with anyone.

It’s not just about what’s happening in your surroundings but what’s happening anywhere in the world. Our lives are lived online and we don’t know what it means to not be connected, living offline is so last season. When we plug in, we open up our world’s to so much more possibilities.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Rock Journalism

"Rock journalism is people who can’t write interviewing people who can’t talk for people who can’t read” (Frank Zappa)

Ever feel like when you are talking to a person, they are taking note of nothing you are saying and the walls are taking in more than but the person right in front of you. You take a step further by writing the exact details you told the person down so they will do it, but still they don’t take note of the message you are trying to convey. The saying goes those who can’t do, teach.

Everyone is not the same, most of us have become sensitised to the news around us. We are getting information from so many places at the same time, that it has stopped affecting us or even surprising us. So many things are going on in the world around us and most of them have a negative effect but they seem to have become the norm. We tend to overlook and miss what’s happening around us because we in society have become rocks.

Its just like talking to the walls, no one is listening. When we talk it has little action and if we read about it, its just another story. We carry a thought pattern that it would never happen or affect us but you never know it just might.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Imagine that

I recently heard a riddle about an item that you carry around with you everywhere and can never get left behind. You might be wondering what the item is well… it’s your thoughts. I used to think that a person is limited by themselves but discovered that you are limited by your imagination.

Each day we have millions of thoughts that rush through our minds -ideas, worries maybe even the simple thought of having to face another day. As children we enjoyed the adventures we conjured up in our imagination like the make believe tea we drank at our tea parties when there wasn’t even a drop of water in the cup or the imaginary friend we played with and placed the blame on when something went wrong.

I think as we grow up we loose our ability to imagine, to dream big things and imagine the unimaginable. We all have a super hero power - it’s just locked up in our imagination. Your imagination can take you anywhere, you just have to think it up and picture it in your mind. Right now I’m laying in a field of daisy staring at the different shapes I see in the clouds when literally I’m sitting in front of my computer screen at home doing anything but that. When last did you take a moment to think, dream and imagine. Imagine what you can think of, if you just took the time to use your imagination.

Monday, September 7, 2009

What motivates me …

Our motivation is dependant on the person we are inside, what drives us to go further in life and what makes doing something worth it in the end. When we are students our motivation is to specialise in a particuar area and attain the knowledge to pursue the carrer we want to. When faced with the heaps of assignments and tests, our motivation is to get our dream job and have a successful life.

We do face periods when we are demotivated and those are the times when people close to us support and encourage us to continue on in our journey called life. Our motivation is driven by the goal we wish to accomplish, what we are looking to achieving and what will get us there even when we face the rough periods. Our motivation in rough times can be to improve on the situation and prove to ourselves that we can do it when we commit ourselves to it.

I can’t be sure what motivates me but getting one thing done which takes me a step forward to attaining my dreams (and God’s purpose) for my life is motivation enough. I have a good support system and I want to leave my mark in the world and reach my greatest potential.

Personal autonomy – how far does it extend?

Personal autonomy is having the power to make decisions rather than being controlled by someone. We all have the freedom to think and make decisions for ourselves. What we think is best for us in a situation can be influenced by another person be it a friend, our family or even a particular group we belong to.

When we grow up we need to be responsible for what we do which includes the decisions we make and then the consequences of those decisions. When thinking of the word personal, the first word that comes to mind is all things that are considered private. Our personal autonomy depends on ourselves and the degree to which we allow other people into our lives determines how far it extends but ultimately its up to us.

I once hear the saying you can’t go wrong at getting better at the person you are. The same goes for one’s personal autonomy, sometimes it’ll extend a great deal and at other times it will be limited. It’s up to the individual, at times we need to be man (woman) enough to stand on our own two feet, take a risk and make a choice. Other times we need the help of those close to us, either way we determine the extent of our personal autonomy.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Bunch of animals

We as humans would never refer to ourselves as animals in an everyday situation. We’ve all heard the story of evolution that illustrates the development of human beings starting from the ape. Maybe somewhere deep inside of all of us, there is an animal which reveals itself in those pressure situations. I do think that there are times when there is the right and wrong way to go about doing something such as standing up for what you feel strongly about and believe in. What took place at CPUT in August was a clear example of the wrong way to go about it.

If there is an issue you disagree with, it’s best to go to the heart of the problem and speak directly with the people it involves. At times you do need a united front as the students at CPUT did. The influence of a united voice on an issue is making great breakthroughs and people are being heard when they stand together, this doesn’t mean that standing united has to have a violent approach. The problem was that not all CPUT students knew about the issue and furthermore destroying property and endangering other students’ lives that are going to face the same problem of increase in fees is a reflection on letting the animal within free.

We are not a bunch of animals as we’ve been given the freedom to think and make decisions for ourselves. We should take the approach as humans to stand together when we need to with issues in life and do it in the right way.

Monday, July 20, 2009

10 Most unexpected consequences of being online.

You can fall in love, make friends and even do business with a person anywhere in the world.

You get information faster being online than via radio or television because it is constantly being undated. People are more informed important information and even unnecessary just for fun information.

Work is no longer 9 – 5 but 24/7, you tend to do more work after hours because you can do it online and the work load has increased.

People anywhere can even see into your life through you-tube videos as well as those gorgeous photos of yourself you put up in your Blog or Facebook/My space profile page.

People’s voices united through their opinions can make a difference on the topic they are discussing.
Privacy online is non-existent, people have access into your life depending on how much information you give out. A simple tweet or Facebook update can tell someone else a lot about yourself.

Life becomes even busier because life as a whole consists of so much more. (work life, social life, family life, online life etc)

Being online becomes a lifestyle you have to be part of.
People become the person they created online rather than the person they truly are.
If you are not online you are an outcast.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Everyday is a good day

Each day starts with the opening of your eyes and from that a new day begins. We may think about the many things that we need to get done, the situations we need to face and even dream of the happiest things that can happen to us in that day. We can think of every new day as the beginning of another chapter in our lives. Each chapter has significance and tells the story of the many days we have faced so far, the bad days and more importantly the good ones. We are the author’s to the many stories we create in our lives each day and it’s up to us to turn even the worse day into our best.

Everyday gives us another chance to show the world who we are, to make new memories and do silly things just because we can. We learn new things, spend time with friends and we might even have time to fit in doing what we enjoy most in life. Everyday is a good day because there is so much possibility to what we can do in that one day and as each new day comes, we have the opportunity to make it a good day.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Our greatest strengths are our greatest weakness

It’s funny to think that opposites can be used in the same context but here it has to do with the perception of the person in the situation. We have all faced circumstances where our strengths have prevailed more as a weakness and hits us straight where it hurts. A person who is a perfectionist may get every detail covered in the project but being a perfectionist also serves as a weakness because of all the extra effort you put in. The weakness is that you constantly seem to be running out of time because you want everything done to what you see as perfect.

You could be the most stylish person who gets compliments from those around you for your good dress sense but it’s also a weakness as you are always expected to be dressed at your best because you are good at it. Our greatest strength can be our greatest weaknesses but then again our greatest weaknesses can be our greatest strengths. When we struggle to do something, we work a lot harder to get it right and prove to ourselves that we can do it. So even at times when our strengths show up as a weakness, those are the times when our weaknesses will be our strongest element.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Feelings follow behaviour…

We usually associate feelings with being in love. I don’ think anyone can truly say that in the beginning stages of being in love they know for certain, that the way they feel about a person is related to love although the way they behave may hint towards the way they feel.

When you go on a first date it could be because you have an interest in that person but there are situations where you go to the movies as friends and feelings develop because of the way you act which is you behaviour. You go on a few dates, start spending more time together, he sends you messages to see how you are doing, he might even send you a gift - all of these mentioned are acts, it’s the way the guy behaves towards the girl. From these situation feelings start to develop between the two people involved because of their behaviour.

When your friend asks if you are dating your immediate response may be “no we just friends” but the way you act when you around the guy suggests something completely different. The question your friend asks you, makes you consider the possibility and from the way you act towards each other, stronger feelings develop because you realise that he could be your boyfriend. And so there are times when feelings develop from your behaviour but they will cross paths and behaviour and feelings will meet.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

It’s better to practice a little than talk a lot

Recently I realised that generally speaking people today seem to be big talkers rather than big doers. We are all about the talk and less about the walk. As a student you say you want to get your assignments done as soon as possible but because you don’t put it to practice, you find yourself stuck doing the work the night before the deadline in a panic trying to get it done on time.

We learn things over time and as they say “practice makes perfect”. When you think of practice you associate it with doing something, carrying out an action which links to the saying “actions speak louder than words”. People will remind you of what you said when you talk a lot but don’t practice it, but if you act upon your words you’ll reap the reward that comes from following through on your word.

People who talk a lot create a virtual picture of who they are. Those who put their words to practice show their personality through the things they do and not through the words they say. Every detail counts and even though you may have practiced a few things in life, what will you be remembered for? The big things you spoke about doing or the ones that you actually went out and did?

Thursday, May 7, 2009

It is a poor idea to lie to yourself …

Lying as a whole is seen as a bad thing, when you lie to others or yourself – no good comes out of it so why would you give yourself the impression of something only to be let down in the end. There are times when you want to believe a lie because the truth is too hard to accept but the fact of the matter is that the truth will come out at some stage. When a boy breaks up with a girl, she can lie to herself and believe with all her might that he will come back to her. The feeling of hope builds up inside her which hides her sorrow only for it to be unleashed when she sees him with another girl and reality hits her.

We are only building up disaster when we lie to ourselves. The better person is the one that will accept the truth even when it hurts them the most. When we lie to ourselves we lock ourselves up in a box of isolation only believing our own thoughts and cutting ourselves off from the world. I’m sure we have all heard the saying: “The truth will set you free.” why would you want to lock yourself up by believing your own lies when there is so much to see in the world.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Not all who wander are lost

There comes a time in our lives when we are old enough and been given the freedom to do our own thing. We walk around aimlessly, not certain of what we are looking for but something draws us to this secret place we find ourselves in. We seek our identity as we wander through our thoughts, trying new things as a way to find out who we are and what the purpose is of us being here. Many influences creep into our lives as we look for the answers to the many questions we have, we are not lost we are just wandering through the possibilities of life trying to find the true meaning to our existence.

Anne Sophie Swetchine says: “In this world of change, nothing which comes stays, and nothing which goes is lost.” The road less travelled may be a hard one but we all have to face it at some point. The opportunities we didn’t take are not lost but new ones arise as we wander through life. We follow the footprints left in the sand by those who have gone before us, who also found themselves wandering but were never lost because the grass is greener on the other side and there is always a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

How to step from the top of a 100-foot pole?

The first question one might ask is how exactly you got to the top of a 100-foot pole in the first place. Whenever you’re at the top of something high the first thing someone will tell you is not to look down. Your immediate reaction is looking down and instantly the realisation of where you are hits you and panic settles in.

With every decision we make in life there comes a time when we need to take a step of faith, leap into the air and learn to fly. Each day we take another step forward in our lives and move towards our ultimate goals in life. At times we may step backwards and at other times we progress forward to achieving our goals. It may be that when we do reach the top of the 100-foot pole the only way up - is to jump, spread your wings and learn to fly.

It’s the same concept like starting a new job and your boss throws you in the deep end. You have to learn to swim and turn the challenge before you into an opportunity. With no alternative options it may be safer to take a risk and make yourself vulnerable, to step from the top of the 100-foot pole into the unknown.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Do something

As the world revolves on its axis it seems that most of society is concerned about nothing else except themselves with a minority looking pass that and making a small impact by doing something towards making a difference in the world. It’s easy for an individual to think up a dream but the task that will make the greatest impact is never done because no action is made and people end up doing nothing rather than something. We are waiting for change to take place in the world but no one wants to take on the responsibility to start doing something and as we wait nothing is happening. We stay in this isolated state of mind rather than making use of the power of one with an untied front of people standing together and actually doing something.

Eldridge Cleaver makes a clever statement: “You’re either part of the solution or you are part of the problem.” Too many people feel comfortable with being part of the problem and have yet to realise the deep hole society has dug itself into: our environment is deteriorating yet we do nothing about it, we chat on our phones and are slowly loosing our relationships with those around us, we see the elderly while taking public transport yet we don’t get up and offer our seats.

Someone out there has the cure to AIDS but they are not putting that knowledge to practice, someone out there has the answer to resolve the global financial crisis but they are doing nothing about it. We all know our strengths, we see the poverty and problems daily but we do nothing about it and stay in the same place we have always been. We need to change our mind sets, we need to look pass ourselves and do something everyday which will lead to a major impact in the world. What you are tomorrow depends on what you do today.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

We are what we do

The first thing that comes to mind is the saying that goes “Our actions speak louder than words”.

This takes me to our daily routine which we may take for granted and don’t realise that the things we do are who we are. The smallest things like waking up in the morning, only to hit the snooze button making us late again could show a hidden characteristic of who we are. It might just be that being late is about that grand entrance we make at the event to get the attention we want and that’s why we late anyway.

But there’s more to what we do than just our daily routines. We choose what we want to do, which impacts who we are. We may never have thought of it as being linked but our acts reflect us. It shows in the way we act towards people, when we greet with a smile to show our friendless. Our bad habits and even our best traits are reflected outwardly in all we do.

I don’t think we realise how much we can grasp about a person by taking note of what they do. It may just be a good idea to take a moment and look at the person you are. See how much you can learn about yourself through the things you do, even the smallest of details.

Friday, April 3, 2009

We are afraid of the wrong things

I’ll never forget the lesson I learnt not too long ago about the unknown. I’m talking about when you sit in a room and an unknown figure appears in the door way. We will immediately turn our attention to that because we don’t know what it is and we also want to give ourselves piece of mind.

The greatest thing we can fear is not only fear itself, but ourselves. As humans we have been given the power to choose which makes us different from any other thing that was created. It’s us who chooses from the smallest thing like being afraid of the dark to hurting a person we care deeply about. It’s ourselves that have to face the consequences of those decisions and it’s ourselves that we should be afraid of not the spider in the corner of our room or the man that looks at us suspiciously as we pass by.

As a child it was our innocence that made us curious and less afraid of things but it might also have been the comfort that we could run to our parents for safety when we were afraid of the dark. As we grow up we expand our knowledge and our experiences have influence into what we are afraid of. Maybe it’s because we are not brave enough to face up to our fears and we’d much rather be seen as a coward.

We all have our fears, its part of who we are but secretly we know we are afraid of the wrong things and we should much rather fear ourselves than anything else.

Friday, March 27, 2009

The colour of the wind

This takes me back to a line in the song from the movie Pocahontas that says “Can you paint with all the colours of the wind?” To be honest I’ve never thought of the wind in terms of colour but more as a movement and the flow of items it touches like the green rustling of the leaves or the blue crashing waves.

I can imagine the wind as a paint palette and depending on how he feels that particular day that’s the colour he chooses. If he feels flirty like on the day he decides to blow women’s dresses up I’d say his a shade of pink, when the wind is howling outside his angry and he drapes himself in a shade of red, when all is calm he chooses a shade of blue. When he feels like a night out on the town he happily dances with the trees and appears in a shade of yellow. The wind brings about change and so the colour of the wind can’t remain the same.

We can feel and experience the wind but will never be able to touch it. For some it can be seen as translucent, and appear just as they see it as it shapes items and all you see is nothing. Each day brings a new colour which gets added to the paint palette and you can never tell what colour the wind will be for that day.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Watch this space!

I’ve watched many movies of people visiting the psychiatrist’s office and they whip out this black blot on a page and are expected to say the first thing that comes to mind when looking at the picture. Sometimes putting our thoughts on paper makes no sense at all and is seen as the black blot , a collection of nothing but yet has so much hidden meaning and is up to those who read it to interpret the meaning thereof.

Everything has a starting point, when an artist begins with a blank canvas they may have an idea of what they would like to paint but that idea can develop and change into something completely different to what was intended. Just like in that case I am a beginner. This whole blogging thing started as an assignment and has now become a part of me. It is way of expressing my thoughts on topics and displaying it publicly for others to read and in some ways is like showing my black blot to the world. I started in a panic because I did not understand what I was assigned to do but my perspective and knowledge has changed that outlook. Slowly my painting is taking shape and my space is becoming a new dimension and growing confidence as I learn more.

We all have a starting point which becomes our journey and the journey is our space. There are loads more to come and if you don’t keep tabs on this space you will miss out. Celebs, artists, writers, all began somewhere and there might be a chance that one day my name will be up in lights, we’ve just got to wait and watch to find out.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

If I were the Boss...

If were the Boss I’d sit in my chair, lean back and rest my legs upon my desk just because I can.

There would be no 9 – 5 and all my employees would have the freedom to do what they wanted as long as they completed all tasks they were assigned to and meet the goals set out for the project.

Employees jobs would not only revolve around sitting at a computer screen for the entire day but would also involve participation by interacting with each other, sharing ideas so there would be creativity and liveliness.

I would implement a fun activity once every two weeks to make employees relax and which would also serve as a form of team building. It would be things like an aerobics class, painting lessons, an outings, a massage, dress up day (like everyone dressing to work according to a theme for that week) – just a period to take time out from everything and bond as an organisation but relax at the same time.

I would implement ideas to get employees to think a different way and encourage and affirm them for jobs well done. This will not only boost their self esteems but encourage them to do their best and enjoy what they do.

Each week an update meeting will be held for all involved in a particular project to get everyone on the same page of the current status of the project. If everyone knows what’s happening they feel part of the process and see what they are working towards achieving.

I’d make sure my employees had access to all the resources they would need on a particular project.

I would be available to discuss any issues if they were to arise and make their environment a place they felt comfortable in and could be productive in.

Being the boss is not about pleasing everyone but upholding a standard of work that makes employees feel like they have accomplished something and reached their personal goals. It’s about guiding your employees to create a success of every project they work on and together work as a team to reach the desired future state of the organisation.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

5 topics to be explored

  • Money, money, money ...
  • If the world was the size of a golf ball
  • Been there, done that, got the tshirt
  • Unveiled (a new perspective)
  • Nothing compares to being a women

Saturday, February 14, 2009

South African Bands suck?

I must admit, I myself don’t know that much about South African bands except for the few that have branched out of just the South African market. Who have taken the initiative to expand to greater territory and play gigs around the world. The South African style is very different from the rest of the world, it brings a flavour of various cultures put together with a hint of traditional and uniqueness to create a type of music the world has yet to experience to its full potential.

You can’t compare South African bands to the international ones, it seems that too many start out and just don’t make it in the music industry and they give up. Yes, South African bands suck because they haven’t been given the opportunity to really stand out and even with a really good song they don’t get seen. A few gigs in a club and maybe getting their song on radio is an achievement but that just doesn’t cut it in the industry.

Bands like Freshlyground, Prime Circle and The Parlotones are South African Bands who have made name for themselves and play really good music. The Parlotones sold out their Summer Series Concert at Kirstenbosch this year in 2 hours with many disappointed fans and will release their new album in the US, UK and Europe this year. There are some really good bands out their and they just need the opportunity to breakthrough the barrier that holds them back and start a revolution in the music industry.

Friday, February 13, 2009

My take on Designer PR

Like a breathe of fresh air, a new beginning and the prospects of what has been said of PR - being redundant and with a lack of creativity. Designer PR opens up the possibilities of being new, original and innovative. In today’s world with everything changing in a matter of moments and being able to access information from all around the world, the traditional way of doing things can not have the impact and stand out quality that PR needs.

If ordering a simple cup of coffee has become that complex, how much more will it be in managing PR effectively and building strong relationships that PR is known for. Taking into consideration that we not only have to please the organisation but above that we need to meet the customers’ needs and excel above their expectations. As PRP’s, do we have the necessary skills and knowledge? Like knowing the many facets to a simple cup of coffee, we now have to expand our perspectives and environments through our originality, creativity.

PR needs to be out of the norm and add that wow factor and Designer PR allows for that. The opportunity is here and PR should go for it, change is constant and PR needs to be proactive and keep with the trends.