Monday, November 2, 2009

Love Revolution

The Love Revolution is here. Daily we see destruction taking place in people’s lives around us - crime is on an increase, emotional heartache is a reality and people don’t know where to turn. A drastic change in the thinking and behaviour needs to take place and acts of love is what is going to bring the change. We’ve heard the song by the Black Eyed Peas “Where is the love” and the answer is that starts with people. The Love Revolution is about the power of love in action, the physical touch of God through people is what can make the difference. It starts within ourselves to change our mindsets and attitudes, to improve the situations of others through kindness.

Love can be costly but it can be the beginning of the greatest change in another person’s life. The Love Revolution is about doing good for someone else through love whether is be it an act of kindness or a word of encouragement, it’s about doing something out of love for someone you know and even those you don’t. God’s love for us is indescribable and uncontainable, we can only imagine what His love can do through us to change the lives of others if we just acted in His love.