Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Plugged in

I used to think that being plugged in was only for electronic equipment. Today we live in the “plugged in” generation. Every where you turn someone is plugged into something. Whether it be listen to your ipod, social networking on your mobile, instant messaging or using your gps to find the place you looking for.

We’ve reached the point where if we are not plugged in, we are left behind and unaware of the new things around us. We want to do things globally because that’s what it means to be plugged into society. We learn new things and we share information with anyone.

It’s not just about what’s happening in your surroundings but what’s happening anywhere in the world. Our lives are lived online and we don’t know what it means to not be connected, living offline is so last season. When we plug in, we open up our world’s to so much more possibilities.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Rock Journalism

"Rock journalism is people who can’t write interviewing people who can’t talk for people who can’t read” (Frank Zappa)

Ever feel like when you are talking to a person, they are taking note of nothing you are saying and the walls are taking in more than but the person right in front of you. You take a step further by writing the exact details you told the person down so they will do it, but still they don’t take note of the message you are trying to convey. The saying goes those who can’t do, teach.

Everyone is not the same, most of us have become sensitised to the news around us. We are getting information from so many places at the same time, that it has stopped affecting us or even surprising us. So many things are going on in the world around us and most of them have a negative effect but they seem to have become the norm. We tend to overlook and miss what’s happening around us because we in society have become rocks.

Its just like talking to the walls, no one is listening. When we talk it has little action and if we read about it, its just another story. We carry a thought pattern that it would never happen or affect us but you never know it just might.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Imagine that

I recently heard a riddle about an item that you carry around with you everywhere and can never get left behind. You might be wondering what the item is well… it’s your thoughts. I used to think that a person is limited by themselves but discovered that you are limited by your imagination.

Each day we have millions of thoughts that rush through our minds -ideas, worries maybe even the simple thought of having to face another day. As children we enjoyed the adventures we conjured up in our imagination like the make believe tea we drank at our tea parties when there wasn’t even a drop of water in the cup or the imaginary friend we played with and placed the blame on when something went wrong.

I think as we grow up we loose our ability to imagine, to dream big things and imagine the unimaginable. We all have a super hero power - it’s just locked up in our imagination. Your imagination can take you anywhere, you just have to think it up and picture it in your mind. Right now I’m laying in a field of daisy staring at the different shapes I see in the clouds when literally I’m sitting in front of my computer screen at home doing anything but that. When last did you take a moment to think, dream and imagine. Imagine what you can think of, if you just took the time to use your imagination.

Monday, September 7, 2009

What motivates me …

Our motivation is dependant on the person we are inside, what drives us to go further in life and what makes doing something worth it in the end. When we are students our motivation is to specialise in a particuar area and attain the knowledge to pursue the carrer we want to. When faced with the heaps of assignments and tests, our motivation is to get our dream job and have a successful life.

We do face periods when we are demotivated and those are the times when people close to us support and encourage us to continue on in our journey called life. Our motivation is driven by the goal we wish to accomplish, what we are looking to achieving and what will get us there even when we face the rough periods. Our motivation in rough times can be to improve on the situation and prove to ourselves that we can do it when we commit ourselves to it.

I can’t be sure what motivates me but getting one thing done which takes me a step forward to attaining my dreams (and God’s purpose) for my life is motivation enough. I have a good support system and I want to leave my mark in the world and reach my greatest potential.

Personal autonomy – how far does it extend?

Personal autonomy is having the power to make decisions rather than being controlled by someone. We all have the freedom to think and make decisions for ourselves. What we think is best for us in a situation can be influenced by another person be it a friend, our family or even a particular group we belong to.

When we grow up we need to be responsible for what we do which includes the decisions we make and then the consequences of those decisions. When thinking of the word personal, the first word that comes to mind is all things that are considered private. Our personal autonomy depends on ourselves and the degree to which we allow other people into our lives determines how far it extends but ultimately its up to us.

I once hear the saying you can’t go wrong at getting better at the person you are. The same goes for one’s personal autonomy, sometimes it’ll extend a great deal and at other times it will be limited. It’s up to the individual, at times we need to be man (woman) enough to stand on our own two feet, take a risk and make a choice. Other times we need the help of those close to us, either way we determine the extent of our personal autonomy.