Thursday, May 28, 2009

Our greatest strengths are our greatest weakness

It’s funny to think that opposites can be used in the same context but here it has to do with the perception of the person in the situation. We have all faced circumstances where our strengths have prevailed more as a weakness and hits us straight where it hurts. A person who is a perfectionist may get every detail covered in the project but being a perfectionist also serves as a weakness because of all the extra effort you put in. The weakness is that you constantly seem to be running out of time because you want everything done to what you see as perfect.

You could be the most stylish person who gets compliments from those around you for your good dress sense but it’s also a weakness as you are always expected to be dressed at your best because you are good at it. Our greatest strength can be our greatest weaknesses but then again our greatest weaknesses can be our greatest strengths. When we struggle to do something, we work a lot harder to get it right and prove to ourselves that we can do it. So even at times when our strengths show up as a weakness, those are the times when our weaknesses will be our strongest element.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Feelings follow behaviour…

We usually associate feelings with being in love. I don’ think anyone can truly say that in the beginning stages of being in love they know for certain, that the way they feel about a person is related to love although the way they behave may hint towards the way they feel.

When you go on a first date it could be because you have an interest in that person but there are situations where you go to the movies as friends and feelings develop because of the way you act which is you behaviour. You go on a few dates, start spending more time together, he sends you messages to see how you are doing, he might even send you a gift - all of these mentioned are acts, it’s the way the guy behaves towards the girl. From these situation feelings start to develop between the two people involved because of their behaviour.

When your friend asks if you are dating your immediate response may be “no we just friends” but the way you act when you around the guy suggests something completely different. The question your friend asks you, makes you consider the possibility and from the way you act towards each other, stronger feelings develop because you realise that he could be your boyfriend. And so there are times when feelings develop from your behaviour but they will cross paths and behaviour and feelings will meet.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

It’s better to practice a little than talk a lot

Recently I realised that generally speaking people today seem to be big talkers rather than big doers. We are all about the talk and less about the walk. As a student you say you want to get your assignments done as soon as possible but because you don’t put it to practice, you find yourself stuck doing the work the night before the deadline in a panic trying to get it done on time.

We learn things over time and as they say “practice makes perfect”. When you think of practice you associate it with doing something, carrying out an action which links to the saying “actions speak louder than words”. People will remind you of what you said when you talk a lot but don’t practice it, but if you act upon your words you’ll reap the reward that comes from following through on your word.

People who talk a lot create a virtual picture of who they are. Those who put their words to practice show their personality through the things they do and not through the words they say. Every detail counts and even though you may have practiced a few things in life, what will you be remembered for? The big things you spoke about doing or the ones that you actually went out and did?

Thursday, May 7, 2009

It is a poor idea to lie to yourself …

Lying as a whole is seen as a bad thing, when you lie to others or yourself – no good comes out of it so why would you give yourself the impression of something only to be let down in the end. There are times when you want to believe a lie because the truth is too hard to accept but the fact of the matter is that the truth will come out at some stage. When a boy breaks up with a girl, she can lie to herself and believe with all her might that he will come back to her. The feeling of hope builds up inside her which hides her sorrow only for it to be unleashed when she sees him with another girl and reality hits her.

We are only building up disaster when we lie to ourselves. The better person is the one that will accept the truth even when it hurts them the most. When we lie to ourselves we lock ourselves up in a box of isolation only believing our own thoughts and cutting ourselves off from the world. I’m sure we have all heard the saying: “The truth will set you free.” why would you want to lock yourself up by believing your own lies when there is so much to see in the world.