Thursday, May 28, 2009

Our greatest strengths are our greatest weakness

It’s funny to think that opposites can be used in the same context but here it has to do with the perception of the person in the situation. We have all faced circumstances where our strengths have prevailed more as a weakness and hits us straight where it hurts. A person who is a perfectionist may get every detail covered in the project but being a perfectionist also serves as a weakness because of all the extra effort you put in. The weakness is that you constantly seem to be running out of time because you want everything done to what you see as perfect.

You could be the most stylish person who gets compliments from those around you for your good dress sense but it’s also a weakness as you are always expected to be dressed at your best because you are good at it. Our greatest strength can be our greatest weaknesses but then again our greatest weaknesses can be our greatest strengths. When we struggle to do something, we work a lot harder to get it right and prove to ourselves that we can do it. So even at times when our strengths show up as a weakness, those are the times when our weaknesses will be our strongest element.


  1. A strength can defiantly be a vice, depending on how you look at it. Especially for perfectionists, they take hours to complete simple tasks.

  2. I agree with Johlene. I am a perfectionist and won't end something unless I know it's perfect. Often takes me longer to complete assignments, that's why this year I've started all my projects a month in advance. We get this sort of adrenalin rush and just have to go with it I guess. Drives my mother insane when we go clothes shopping. If I try something on and everyone says it looks good, if I find something to question about it I won't get whatever I tried on. It has to be PERFECT.
