Thursday, April 9, 2009

We are what we do

The first thing that comes to mind is the saying that goes “Our actions speak louder than words”.

This takes me to our daily routine which we may take for granted and don’t realise that the things we do are who we are. The smallest things like waking up in the morning, only to hit the snooze button making us late again could show a hidden characteristic of who we are. It might just be that being late is about that grand entrance we make at the event to get the attention we want and that’s why we late anyway.

But there’s more to what we do than just our daily routines. We choose what we want to do, which impacts who we are. We may never have thought of it as being linked but our acts reflect us. It shows in the way we act towards people, when we greet with a smile to show our friendless. Our bad habits and even our best traits are reflected outwardly in all we do.

I don’t think we realise how much we can grasp about a person by taking note of what they do. It may just be a good idea to take a moment and look at the person you are. See how much you can learn about yourself through the things you do, even the smallest of details.


  1. This is so true. People get judged on their actions more than what they say, because actions really do speak louder than words. Words and empty promises are just not enough these days.

  2. It's crazy how much you can learn from a person just by watching what they do.And what people do is a real indication of who they are because sometines they don't realize what they're doing whereas talking is somewhat controlled.
