Thursday, March 12, 2009

Watch this space!

I’ve watched many movies of people visiting the psychiatrist’s office and they whip out this black blot on a page and are expected to say the first thing that comes to mind when looking at the picture. Sometimes putting our thoughts on paper makes no sense at all and is seen as the black blot , a collection of nothing but yet has so much hidden meaning and is up to those who read it to interpret the meaning thereof.

Everything has a starting point, when an artist begins with a blank canvas they may have an idea of what they would like to paint but that idea can develop and change into something completely different to what was intended. Just like in that case I am a beginner. This whole blogging thing started as an assignment and has now become a part of me. It is way of expressing my thoughts on topics and displaying it publicly for others to read and in some ways is like showing my black blot to the world. I started in a panic because I did not understand what I was assigned to do but my perspective and knowledge has changed that outlook. Slowly my painting is taking shape and my space is becoming a new dimension and growing confidence as I learn more.

We all have a starting point which becomes our journey and the journey is our space. There are loads more to come and if you don’t keep tabs on this space you will miss out. Celebs, artists, writers, all began somewhere and there might be a chance that one day my name will be up in lights, we’ve just got to wait and watch to find out.

1 comment:

  1. It's so weird I had this exact conversion, with my boyfriend the part where you say "This whole blogging thing started as an assignment and has now become a part of me". I found out earlier today that "watch this space" was not a blog topic, but you know what I showed no sense of regret because I did it, I enjoy this so much. And reading how everyone interpreted "watch this space" was really interesting. I'll watch this space, but I want fifteen minutes of fame on your blog.
