Monday, September 7, 2009

Personal autonomy – how far does it extend?

Personal autonomy is having the power to make decisions rather than being controlled by someone. We all have the freedom to think and make decisions for ourselves. What we think is best for us in a situation can be influenced by another person be it a friend, our family or even a particular group we belong to.

When we grow up we need to be responsible for what we do which includes the decisions we make and then the consequences of those decisions. When thinking of the word personal, the first word that comes to mind is all things that are considered private. Our personal autonomy depends on ourselves and the degree to which we allow other people into our lives determines how far it extends but ultimately its up to us.

I once hear the saying you can’t go wrong at getting better at the person you are. The same goes for one’s personal autonomy, sometimes it’ll extend a great deal and at other times it will be limited. It’s up to the individual, at times we need to be man (woman) enough to stand on our own two feet, take a risk and make a choice. Other times we need the help of those close to us, either way we determine the extent of our personal autonomy.

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