Monday, July 20, 2009

10 Most unexpected consequences of being online.

You can fall in love, make friends and even do business with a person anywhere in the world.

You get information faster being online than via radio or television because it is constantly being undated. People are more informed important information and even unnecessary just for fun information.

Work is no longer 9 – 5 but 24/7, you tend to do more work after hours because you can do it online and the work load has increased.

People anywhere can even see into your life through you-tube videos as well as those gorgeous photos of yourself you put up in your Blog or Facebook/My space profile page.

People’s voices united through their opinions can make a difference on the topic they are discussing.
Privacy online is non-existent, people have access into your life depending on how much information you give out. A simple tweet or Facebook update can tell someone else a lot about yourself.

Life becomes even busier because life as a whole consists of so much more. (work life, social life, family life, online life etc)

Being online becomes a lifestyle you have to be part of.
People become the person they created online rather than the person they truly are.
If you are not online you are an outcast.

1 comment:

  1. "If you are not online you are an outcast". That statement is true. Before, people used to think of people who used to spend their time on computers as "antisocial" or "nerdy", but times have changed and there are a million and one things to do online.
