Monday, October 26, 2009

Conventional is a good fallback position

People say that if we fall down or something goes wrong it’s the come back that makes the lasting impression. Being conventional can be like taking the easy street, the one that goes unnoticed and people tend not to talk about. A conventional position is a safety zone, the comfortable place where things that are seen as normal are accepted because everyone has a common perspective on the issue. The predictable can result in people being satisfied but going beyond their expectations is what will blow them away and keep them coming back for me the catch is that when things go wrong, doing it the conventional way is the good fallback position as there is time for your big comeback.

Doing the conventional thing is a secure way of knowing that things will work out in the end. You know what to expect and what the results of that decision will be because it is the usual way of doing things. At times people are afraid to be adventurous, doing what’s typical just makes them fit in with the crowd and that’s good enough. There is always a possibility that things won’t be accepted or something could go wrong and shifting into the conventional position is the best fallback option. We must just not forget to comeback in an unconventional way.

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